Prediction of CO2 Emissions in Iran using Grey and ARIMA Models


  • Mohammad Reza Lotfalipour Professor, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
  • Mohammad Ali Falahi Associate Professor, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
  • Morteza Bastam MA in Economics, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.


The examination of economic aspects of gas emissions and its consequences is very important, especially in terms of its volume at the current increasing trend. Therefore, the prediction of air pollution emissions of carbon dioxide can give the correct direction to policies adopted.  Hence, studying and forecasting of gas emissions is necessary. The purpose of this paper is the prediction of CO2 emissions based on Grey System and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average and comparison of these two methods by RMSE, MAE and MAPE metrics. The results show the more accuracy of Grey system forecasting rather than other methods of prediction.  Also, based on the estimated results, the amount of carbon dioxide emissions will reach up to 925.68 million tons in 2020 which shows an increase of 66 percent growth compared to 2010 which is highly significant. Keywords: Carbon Dioxide Emissions; Forecasting; Grey system; Iran JEL Classifications: C22; C53; Q50


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How to Cite

Lotfalipour, M. R., Falahi, M. A., & Bastam, M. (2013). Prediction of CO2 Emissions in Iran using Grey and ARIMA Models. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 3(3), 229–237. Retrieved from


